Personal hygiene and home nursing: a practical text for girls and womenfor home and school use (anno 1919). Inauguro con questo post una sezione che voglio appositamente dedicare alla storia della nostra professione e in questo caso ai libri di testo, alla documentazione o ai testi usati in passato per la diffusione della cultura sulle cure igieniche e della salute. Ho scelto un testo del 1919 (si veda sopra il titolo) ed in particolare, per questo primo post, ho scelto un paragrafo che tratta l’argomento relativo al rifacimento del letto con sopra un paziente impossibilitato a muoversi. Ho lasciato volutamente i testi tratti dal libro in lingua originale.
Clicca qui per vedere il libro online: vedi l’illustrazione nella versione del libro navigabile online.
[Zuzana Sankova]
Image from page 121 of “Personal hygiene and home nursing : a practical text for girls and women for home and school use”
Year: 1919
Authors: Lippitt, Louisa C. (Louisa Christiana), author
Subjects: Hygiene, Home Nursing
Contributing Library: U.S. National Library of Medicine
Digitizing Sponsor: Open Knowledge Commons, U.S. National Library of Medicine
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Remove the soiled one, replace the pillow, and lay your patient down. (5) Tuck the top of the sheet under the mattress and fix thecorners. When changing from the head, this order is reversed. If apatient is unconscious and absolutely helpless, a second person should help; then, with one person on each side of the bed, the sheets can be drawn along and the patient lifted with little trouble to the nurse and much less fatigue to the patient. To change the upper sheet, lay it over the top of the soiled sheet, and in winter over the top also of a small blanket, taking care not to fan the air over the patient with the sheet. If the patient is not too weak to help, let her hold the top of the clean sheet as you slip the other from under it. If the patient is too weak to assist, tuck the corners of the clean sheet under her shoulders, then carefully remove the soiled one. Lifting and moving a patient in bed. When lifting a patient to turn her pillow or to adjust the sheet or gown, stand on the right
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Fig. 50. Changing the sheet from the bottom of the bed. Bed Making III
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